
Get “the Eternal Dandelion Fluff”

It’s March and the spring-like days have arrived. If you find dandelion on your walk or in your garden, how about creating something playful? This is our favorite spring observation activity.
Dandelion fluff flies away in the wind as soon as it opens. There are as many as 200 seeds in dandelion fluff. Trap a dandelion in a jar and you will have eternal fluff that looks like a white ball. Take the time to observe each individual fluff opening.


– Dandelion buds before the fluff opens
– Glass jars or magnifying glasses*
– Wire*
– Wooden beads
– Beeswax or glue

* About the glass bottles: The easiest way is to use mason jars you have at home, turned upside down.
* About the wire: Used the contents of a twist tie.

Instructions for making

Step 1. Find the Dandelion

Pick the dandelion before the seeds opens. Look carefully and select those that are soft and almost ready to open, rather than buds that are tightly closed. After observing a few, you will know which fluff is about to open!

Step 2. Wrap the Yarn Around the Dove

Thread a thin wire through the stem. This is a key point. Without this process, dandelion stems over time will shrivel and fall over. The wire inside the stem will keep it straight.

Step 3. Fix the Stem

Wooden beads are fixed to the lid of the jar with beeswax. Insert the stem into it.

Step 4. Observe Carefully

Cover with a glass jar and watch the fluff slowly open over time. The dandelion will become round and fluffy within a few hours at the earliest, and within 1-2 days at the latest. The opened dandelion fluff will become a dried flower. If handled gently, the fluff will not fly away and will remain fluffy.

Introduction of tools

Here is the tool I used this project – available on Amazon US.
Magnifying glass box
Acrylic magnifier box. Magnifies up to 500%.

Get “the Eternal Dandelion Fluff”



– 綿毛が開く前のタンポポの蕾
– ガラス瓶や拡大鏡*
– 針金*
– ウッドビーズ
– 蜜蝋粘土 もしくは糊など

* ガラス瓶について:メイソンジャーなどを逆さまにして使うのが手軽です
* 針金について:ラッピング用ワイヤーの中身を使用しました


Step 1. たんぽぽを探す


Step 2. 茎に針金を通す


Step 3. 茎を固定する


Step 4. 観察する



このプロジェクトで使った道具を紹介します。Amazon USで購入可能です。
Magnifying glass box