Happy New Year 2024

Happy New Year!!!

We moved to California in 2018 and celebrated our sixth New Year. I always think about how I want to cherish the culture, customs, and events of our country, even when we are away from it. Especially when I have children, I naturally want to cherish the Japanese seasonal events.
One thing in particular that I think is outstanding about Japanese culture is its food culture. In Japan, there is a term called “Shokuiku” (food education). Nutrition education is “the basis of life and the foundation of intellectual, moral, and physical education. I have been practicing food education from early on so that children can acquire correct knowledge about food and eating habits.
Eating is something that is truly important in life, and we are reminded that our bodies and minds are made up entirely of what we put into our bodies through our mouths.

In Japan, we have a special meal during the New Year.
It is called “Osechi” and is a traditional meal eaten by many Japanese. Osechi contains many kinds of traditional Japanese dishes, which are packed in a special box called “Jubako”, which looks like a bento box. Each foodstuff has its own meaning and is filled with wishes for the health of the family, prosperity of offspring, and safety of the household.

Without going into too much detail, we are all happy when we sit down to a delicious meal together.
In my family, we also eat handmade Osechi during the New Year. It is a meal to celebrate the new year while thinking about Japan. It is unmistakably the feast of “Special day”.
The word “a feast — ご馳走” means “the horse runs.” in Japanese. In the old days, people used to run their horses to find and prepare delicious food. So when preparing a feast, someone has to run. I heard such a story from a respected person a long time ago, and that is why I run as fast as I can on special occasions.

This is my sixth year making Osechi overseas. Wishing the family good health. And feeling the splendor of Japanese culture at the beginning of the new year.
Thank you all for your support this year.

Our family's Osechi packed in “Jubako - lacquered stacked boxes”. Black soybeans, a standard of Osechi, are believed to be a symbol of vigor, strength, and health. Shrimps have also been a symbol of longevity, as their long whiskers and curved body are compared to that of an old man. It is prayed for a healthy new year and a long life until one's waist bends. The simmered dish of various ingredients is for families to be close and united together and to prosper for a long time to come. In this way, each of the ingredients has its own meaning.

Happy New Year 2024






漆塗りの重箱に詰められたおせち我が家のおせち。おせちの定番の黒豆は、元気・丈夫・健康などという意味があります。また海老は長いひげや体の曲がった様子が老人に例えられ、長寿の象徴とされてきました。 新しい1年を健康で過ごし、腰が曲がるまで長生きできるように祈願されています。さまざまな食材を煮た煮物は家族が仲良く一緒に結ばれ、末永く繁栄するように。このように、食材のひとつひとつに意味が込められています。