Holiday Gift Ideas 2023

The holiday season has finally begun. Choosing a gift is a fun time, but we must be very careful when selecting toys, which are becoming more and more numerous each year. The world is filled with a wide variety of toys, and parents are faced with the eternal question of what to give their children. I always try to find something that is fun not only for the moment, but something that will be loved for a long time. And I prefer to be as environmentally friendly as possible so that they can be passed on to the next generation. But most of all, it should be something that will capture the hearts and minds of the children.
I would like to share with you nine recommended gift ideas that I have actually purchased so far. These are books and toys that I know that I will cherish not only right now, but even now, years later. I hope this will give you an idea of what to look for when you are shopping for gifts.

1. Moon picnic: My Calendar

A wooden perpetual calendar was delivered by Santa Claus on Christmas Day when she was five years old. At the beginning of each month, my daughter sets up the month, the day, and the monthly events, and it has become a routine to mark the TODAY date each day. In the younger years, the calendar was an exercise to keep track of daily schedules and events: yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Even now it is very practical and not a day goes by that we don’t turn to it as a calendar for the whole family.

Moon picnic: My Calendar
Ages: from 3 years old

2. Grimm’s: Natural Rainbow Stacking Tunnel

It is a classic toy, so the wonderful thing about the stacking tunnel is that the uses are endless. The children know all about how to use it for play. When you actually put this toy in your home, you can’t help but be impressed by the imagination of the children and the variety of applications this toy can be used for. Easy to see why it is so popular, the stacking tunnel is a perfect match for making castles, dollhouses, ball runs, make-believe, or any play at any time. When used in conjunction with Semicircles Building and Building Boards, it offers even more ways to play, so I recommend keeping these in your children’s room together.

Natural Rainbow Stacking Tunnel
Ages: from 3 years old

3. Milky wood: Dollhouse and Furniture

Dollhouse created by Eva, based in France. The dollhouse and furniture are made by cutting wooden boards with a digital cutting machine and arrive as flat wooden boards. So the play opportunities begin when you assemble them from 2D to 3D. Really simple and modern and made of natural materials, the dollhouse and furniture are the perfect nature-loving miniature toys. They have been out of stock for a while now, so hopefully they will have more inventory.

Milky wood: Dollhouse and Furniture
Ages: from about 5 years old

4. My Fairy Library: Miniature Book

Everyone has built a fairy house at least once, but this is a library for fairies. Cut, fold, and paste to create a library filled with miniature books. The small books have elaborate illustrations and text, and are well worth reading on their own. In addition, you can make your own original miniature books, so you can enjoy making, drawing, and playing with them in a wide range of ways. This is the perfect craft book for children who love fairies and stories.

My Fairy Library: Miniature Book
Age: 6 years old and up

5. Fairy notes: letters from fairy Violet

Once a month, Violet -a fairy who is good friends with insects, sends us a letter about her insect friends. These letters, along with beautiful sketches of Violet’s latest exciting adventures, provide wonderful magic for children.
It has been almost three years since we started receiving letters from Violet, and we continue to be delighted and surprised to learn about different new insect worlds.

Fairy notes: letters from fairy Violet
Ages: from about 5 years old

6. Wobbel: Balance board

This is another classic toy, wooden balance board. Not only does it support body awareness and balance, but it can also be used in a variety of ways, sometimes becoming a fortress, a wall in a cozy corner, or a place to lie down to read a book. Both adults and children can enjoy it. The simple and beautiful grain of the wood makes it a toy that doesn’t need to be put away after playtime and fits in well as part of the interior design.

7. Papier Machine: Electronic toy book

I have encountered many books in my life, but none so strange and beautiful as Papier Machine. This is an electronic toy in the form of a book, where paper, electricity, graphics, and play meet. Paper printed with electrically conductive silver ink is assembled, and when each circuit is connected by button batteries, acoustic components, and pencils, it produces a magical sound. The graphite in the pencil is conductive, so by drawing and closing the circuits, one can play with the pitch and volume of the sound.
This is a great first step into the world of electronics. It is available at a very limited number of retailers, and stock seems to be scarce, but if you can find it, the Papier Machine will provide endless enchantment.

Papier Machine: Electronic toy book
Age: 10 years old and up (the manufacturer recommends 10 years old, but my daughter enjoyed it when she was 7 years old).

8. Grapat: Tinker tray

Tinker tray divided into 20 squares. You are free to choose what you want to put in in the trays, but my recommendation is to use it as a material box. If you fill each square with a variety of different materials, the kids can use it for crafts, playing house, mandala, or any other kind of play from time to time. An example of what to put in side: wood chips, small gems, pebbles, shells from the ocean, acorns from a walk, plant seeds, dried flowers and leaves, beans, etc. Fill it with a variety of materials and give it as a gift, and it will surely expand children’s imagination for play.

Grapat: Tinker tray
Age: 3 years old and up

9. Marion Deuchars: Finger Print Art Books

The author, Marion Deuchars, is an illustrator based in England. This is a book in which you can draw various kinds of art with your fingers and handprints. Sit at your desk, let your imagination run wild, and all you need is your fingers and ink pad to become a great artist. There is nothing difficult about it. This book, filled with ideas, will take you to a world of fantasy and imagination. Even the tissue that wipes off the ink stains is beautiful as well. No need to finish everything at once, as you can engage with the book anytime, and any page will lead us to the wonderful world of art.

Marion Deuchars: Finger Print Art Books
Ages: Any age

There is also a flat placemat version, which was useful when going to a restaurant with my child.
Marion Deuchars: Let’s make more great placemat art

Here is the ink pad we use. They are compact and come in a variety of colors, so they are suitable for carrying around. *For young children, search ‘non toxic ink pad’ and you will find some child-friendly ones.
Shachihata Irodori Pad

Holiday Gift Ideas 2023


1. Moon picnic: My Calendar


Moon picnic: My Calendar

2. Grimm’s: Natural Rainbow Stacking Tunnel

定番の玩具ですが、素晴らしいところは使い方が無限大なのところ。どう遊びに使うかは子どもたちが全て知っています。実際に家に置いてみたら、子どもの想像力とこの玩具の応用力の多様さに感心せざるを得ません。人気の理由がわかります。お城やドールハウス、ボールラン、おままごと、いつでもどんな遊びにも完璧にマッチします。Semicircles BuildingBuilding Boardsと併用すると、さらに遊び方が広がるので、併せて子ども部屋に置いておくのをおすすめします。

Natural Rainbow Stacking Tunnel

3. Milky wood: Dollhouse and Furniture


Milky wood: Dollhouse and Furniture

4. My Fairy Library: Miniature Book


My Fairy Library: Miniature Book

5. Fairy notes: letters from fairy Violet

昆虫と仲良しの妖精 Violetから月に一度、昆虫の友達にまつわる手紙が届きます。美しいスケッチと共に届くVioletのワクワクするような最新の冒険の手紙は、子どもたちに素晴らしい魔法を与えてくれます。

Fairy notes: letters from fairy Violet

6. Wobbel: Balance board


Wobbel: Balance board

7. Papier Machine: Electronic toy book


Papier Machine: Electronic toy book

8. Grapat: Tinker tray


Grapat: Tinker tray

9. Marion Deuchars: Finger Print Art Books

作者のMarion Deucharsはイギリス出身のイラストレーター。こちらは指と手形でさまざまなアートを描く本。じっくりと机に座って想像を膨らまし、あなたの指とインクさえあれば立派なアーティストになれます。難しいことはなにひとつありません。たくさんのアイデアが詰まったこの本があれば、空想と想像の世界へ連れて行ってくれます。インクの汚れを拭いたティッシュでさえも美しい。全てを一度に終わらせる必要もなく、いつ、どのページを開いても私たちをアートの世界へと導いてくれます。

Marion Deuchars: Finger Print Art Books

Marion Deuchars: Let’s make more great placemat art

私たちが使っているインクパッドはこちらです。コンパクトながらもいろいろな色が揃っているので持ち運びにも適しています。 *小さなお子さんにはnon toxic inkpadでサーチすると子どもに優しいものがいつくかあります。
Shachihata Irodori Pad