Introduction: Thoughts on October 1

On October 1, 2022, I launched the “ARUHI” project.

I am filled with excitement and happiness at the start of this new adventure. First I would like to introduce ARUHI and describe how this project came to be. I am from Tokyo and studied textile design at an art university. After that, I spent 10 years working as a graphic designer.

Now I am a mother to a baby girl, and in 2018 I moved with my family from Tokyo to Southern California, where I now live in an environment that is closer to nature. I spent the global pandemic in 2020 staying at home, as did so many others in the world. For at-home learning while the schools were closed, my daughter and I followed a daily curriculum of education and art, design, and crafts. Then I began to share our everyday handcrafts through Instagram.

We continued making “something” day after day. On Mondays, it was painting; Tuesdays it was beeswax; on Wednesdays we baked bread; Thursdays it was handcrafts, and on Fridays it was drawing… We also set out on walks and collected fallen leaves and nuts, searched for pebbles and seashells at the beach, and grew and harvested vegetables and herbs on our small balcony. Even as we faced a threat that we had never experienced before in the pandemic, we made do with what we had at hand, and enjoyed very serene, fulfilling, and productive days.

This book contains the records from one year of kindergarten conducted by distance learning. It includes 163 reports of daily assignments, the songs and poems that my daughter liked, 38 "stories of the week," and daily interactions with her beloved teacher.. It is the record of a year that was strange and perplexing, but also very dear to us.

"ARUHI" is "just a day"

ARUHI is a record of our thoughts and results from our “just a day” moments, that we experience regularly, day after day. ARUHI also maintains an archive recording the everyday handworks that we have made in the past, and we use it to generate new projects for the future.  No matter when you discover us, I know that you will leave with something that can enhance your life.

All children are naturally-born artists. They create without boundaries in ways that grown-ups would never have imagined, and we can continually learn from them. Their encounters with nature and crafting develop an educational perspective. We have designed projects that are simple and easy, that can be enjoyed by anyone.

The day ARUHI was born, October 1, is also my mother’ s birthday. My mother was also once a child! You and I, and everyone else here were at one time children. One day our now small kids will become a parent (maybe). As they will grow up and raise children of their own in the future, my greatest hope is that the experiences of ARUHI will one day enhance their lives. The past, present, and future are all closely connected. Keeping this philosophy in my thoughts and keeping a “child’s heart” alive in my spirit, I hope to begin building a small community. I will be releasing several projects each month. I hope that you enjoy it like visiting an art gallery. Finally, I have spent more than a year preparing this ARUHI project. I would like to express my deep thanks to the friends who have helped with carrying out the project and the web production.



2020年の世界的なパンデミックをみなさんと同じようにstay homeで過ごしていました。学校が閉鎖されている間の自宅学習として、教育+アート、デザイン、クラフトを娘と一緒に日課として行ってきました。そしてInstagramを通じて私たちの日々の手仕事をシェアすることを始めました。


ディスタンスラーニングだったキンダーガーデン1年間の記録をまとめた一冊の本。163枚に及ぶ日々の課題のレポート、彼女が好きだった歌や詩、"story of the week"38話のお話、大好きな先生との日々のやりとりも一緒に綴じました。奇妙で不思議だけど、とてつもなく愛しい1年間の記録です。

"ARUHI" is "just a day"




