Growing Grass for Easter
Grow “Real Grass” in your basket for Easter. This is one of the easiest science experiments you can do indoors, and as “real grass,” it can also serve as a substitute for plastic Easter grass. Growing plants also stimulates children’s curiosity, exploration, and scientific interest.
All you need are seeds, soil, and a basket. We prepared an Easter basket as well as small egg-shaped cups for spring decorations. Sow the seeds on top of the soil, gently covering the seeds with soil like a bedding and misting. All that is needed for germination is a warm, dark space. Cover the seed baskets with paper and the egg cups with lids. Until the seeds sprout, it grow them in the same conditions as in the soil = dark space to encourage growth. And we anticipate. How many days do you think it will take to sprout? How will the leaves grow? Then we wait for growth.
The day after the seeds were sown, small, white, thin roots could be seen. Then, we watered them with a misting spray and on the second day they sprouted. Once germinated, remove the cover and expose them to sunlight. The experiment was a success when the grass grew rapidly in the sunlight.
The seed is sown, watered, the roots emerge, and the leaves grow in the sunlight. Observe the workings of nature in your own hands and watch it grow. It is a lovely and enjoyable observation experiment.

– Seeds of your choice *We used wheat berry seeds.
– Soil
– Easter basket
– Egg shaped cups *Optional
It takes about 7-10 days for the grass to grow before Easter.
Instructions for making
Step 1. Sow Seeds
Place a gardening plastic liner (or aluminum foil) in the basket and place soil on top of it. Sow the seeds evenly on the soil surface and gently sprinkle soil over the seeds.
*Option to speed germination: depending on the type of seed, soak the seeds in water for 4 hours beforehand. The seeds will absorb enough water to germinate easily.

Step 2. Watering
Mist the soil with enough water to moisten the surface. Cover the basket with paper, the egg cups with lids, and place in a warm place.

Step 3. Observation
If the surface of the soil is dry, mist it once a day or so with enough water to moisten the surface.
Day 1
Small white roots have emerged.

Day 3
Tiny roots went into the soil. Tiny leaves have grown above the soil.

Day 7
Leaves exposed to the sun turned green and grew straight up.

Day 10
Beautiful green grass has grown all over.

Growing Grass for Easter

– お好きな種 *私たちはwheat berry seedsを使いました。
– 土
– イースターバスケット
– 卵型のカップ *オプションです
Step 1. 種を蒔く

Step 2. 水を与える

Step 3. 観察する


