
Paper Mushrooms

Mushrooms are a food that are familiar to everyone. The world of mushrooms is deep and full of mysteries. Did you know that there are several million varieties of mushrooms worldwide? Let us observe them carefully and create several types of mushrooms. Shiitake, shimeji, king oyster mushrooms, enoki mushrooms… What colors and shapes are they? How to they feel to the touch? How big are they? What do poisonous mushrooms look like?
Roll up and roll out a large piece of paper, exercising your imagination and creating the shape. Don’t you think the texture of paper resembles that of a mushroom? This is an extremely simple and fun autumn craft.


– Newspaper, craft paper, or other recycled paper  *whatever you happen to have in the house
– Colored paper for decoration
– Tape and glue

Instructions for making

Step 1. Create the basic shape

Roll up the recycled paper to create the basic shape. Later you will wrap it with decorative paper so just scrunch it up as much as you want. Depending on the mushroom type, you can make the cap round, triangular, or long and thin. Making a donut shape will make it easier to later wrap with decorative paper. The shaft is a long, thin shape however it does not need to be completely straight and should be thicker towards the bottom. Look carefully at your mushroom model while creating the cap and shaft.

Step 2. Wrap with the decorative paper

Wrap with the decorative colored paper. Stretch out and use the folds so that the paper covers the donut-shaped base of the cap. Wrap the base paper like you are gift-wrapping it.

Step 3. Glue together

Glue the shaft and cap together to complete your mushroom. Try making a small mushroom, a big mushroom – all kinds of mushrooms.

Paper Mushrooms

身近な食材のきのこ。きのこの世界は奥深く不思議がいっぱい。世界中には何百万もの種類のきのこがあるって知っていましたか? よく観察して、いろいろな種類のきのこをつくりましょう。しいたけ、しめじ、エリンギ、エノキ茸…… どんな色や形をしているかな? 手触りはどんな感じ? 大きさは?
毒キノコってどんなかな? 大きな紙を丸めて、伸ばして、想像力を働かせて造形します。紙の質感ってなんだかきのこに似ていると思いませんか? とても簡単で楽しい秋の工作です。


– 新聞紙やクラフト紙などの再生紙  *家にあるもの、なんでもいいです
– 仕上げの色紙
– テープやボンド


Step 1. きのこの土台をつくる


Step 2. 仕上げの紙を巻く


Step 3. パーツをつける
