
Pom-Pom Peace Dove

A fluffy pom-pom dove stuffed with plenty of yarn. Cut out a piece of cardboard in the shape of a dove and wrap the yarn around it. The rounded belly️ of pom-pom is created️ by️ trimming with scissors.
You can make a simple dove with a single color, or a colorful dove varied️ colors. Wrap the leftover yarn around the dove to create a variety of doves.


– Card Board
– Dove pattern paper  *Download below
– Yarn  *Fine yarn will make a slender, thicker yarn will make a fluffy
– Needle for wool yarn
– Scissors
*Please be careful with scissors when you are with children.

*Here is the pattern for the dove. Please download and use it.

download the dove pattern

Instructions for making

Step 1. Cut the Shape of the Dove

Draw a dove of your favorite shape on a piece of cardboard and cut it out. Or download a dove pattern to️ use. If the circle in the center of the tummy is too large, you will need a lot of yarn. The size of the hole at about 15 mm or so is good.

Step 2. Wrap the Yarn Around the Dove

Wrap the yarn around the hole as tightly and as full as possible so that the yarn fills the hole completely. You can change the color of the yarn along the way.

Step 3. Cut the Edge

Wrap the yarn around the center hole until it is full. Filling it tightly will result in a fluffy, round pom-pom. When you have finished wrapping enough yarn around the pom-pom, cut the yarn along the edges little by little.

Step 4. Shape Roundly the Pom-Pom

Trim uneven bundles of yarn into a round shape with scissors. The key to this is to use sharp scissors. Use one hand to rotate the ball of yarn and cut it from various angles to make an even round.
You can draw eyes on the finished️ dove, or punch holes instead. Thread the head and you can hang it up for decoration.

Pom-Pom Dove Pray for Peace

This is a dove we made last year. Using blue and yellow colors, we made a pom-pom dove to pray for peace. One year has passed since then. This year, we would like to make another️ dove️ using white, blue, and red yarn. The rest of this story is written in this journal. Please take a look at it as well.

Pom-Pom Peace Dove



– 厚紙
– 鳩の型紙  *下記よりダウンロードしてください
– 毛糸  *細めの糸ならほっそりと、太めの糸を使うとふわふわのポンポンになります
– 毛糸用の針
– ハサミ


download the dove pattern


Step 1. 鳩の形を切る


Step 2. 毛糸を巻き付ける


Step 3. 端を切る


Step 4. 丸く形を整える


