
The Sound ‘B’ Creatures

B is for Bird
B is for Butterfly
B is for Bee
B is for Beetle….

The exploring of The Letter B. When my daughter was in kindergarten, we were home schooled (because it was during
Covid), taking one letter of the alphabet each week. The subject at the time was “B” and we decided to create a creature that began with the letter B.
The materials we used were objects found from nature that we collected on walks and in the park. Twigs, dried leaves, flower petals, seeds, walnut shells, beans……. When placed in a basket, they looked like treasures found in nature, and we would treasure the treasures we found each time we went out for a walk or to the park.
She started with the theme of “The Letter B,” using dried beans to assemble the alphabet. Next, she thought of creatures beginning with the letter “B.” Then she looked at the materials she had collected and imagined what they might be. Beetle, Bee, Butterfly… What could I make? How many legs does the creature have? Where do they grow from? Observe carefully and move my hands. What emerged from this were five adorable the sound ‘B’ creatures.
I looked at these fragile works of art, admiring my 5-year-old daughter’s imagination, her use of materials, and her concentration on craftsmanship. Afterwards, I made a cardboard box frame from discards to keep the works in a safe place. And for a while, we had a special exhibition on the wall of our living room.


– Card board
– Natural materials  *twigs, dried leaves, petals, seeds, walnut shells, beans, etc.
– Glue or glue gun

Instructions for making

Step 1. Assemble the B

First, we used Beans to make the letter B. First, the letter is written on a card board with a glue gun. Then, dried beans are placed on top of it.
The materials we used were mixed beans, lentils, plant seeds we picked up on the street, and tulip petals.

Step 2. Assemble the Creature

Next we started on creatures beginning with B. Beetle, Bee, Bird… The rest is up to observation, imagination, and free hand.
My daughter found a walnut shell and made the first Beetle. The legs are twigs.

The Bee, head is the billy buttons, the body is an acorn, wings are petals, antennae and legs are twigs. She was pleased that the acorn tip looked like a bee’s stinger.

The Bird has a face with globe amaranth, a bill with a leaf tip. Eyes are tiny seeds. Wings are eucalyptus, body feathers are tulip petals. She was particularly concentrated on making the bird. She was carefully attaching the tiny eyes and beak. Good job!
And the Butterfly has a head with globe amaranth, wings from a tulip, bunny tails for a body, and twigs for limbs. I like the plump body like a real butterfly.

The Sound ‘B’ Creatures are all here. The Bear is made with wood slices. The ears are acorn caps.

Frame made from cardboard waste

Frames are made from scrap corrugated cardboard. The thick frame protects the three-dimensional work and is suitable for stacking and long-term storage. I will post how to make this one later.

The Sound 'B' Creatures

B is for Bird
B is for Butterfly
B is for Bee
B is for Beetle….

”The Letter B”の探求。娘が幼稚園の時に、毎週アルファベットを一文字ずつ取り上げて自宅学習をしていました。この時のお題は「B」、私たちは「B」から始まる生き物をつくることにしました。
まずは今回のテーマである”The Letter B”。Beans=乾燥豆を使ってアルファベットを組み立てました。その次に、「B」からはじまる生き物を考えました。そして集めた素材を見て想像します。Beetle, Bee, Butterfly… 何ができるかな。その生き物の足は何本?どこから生えてる?よく観察し、手を動かします。そこから生まれたのは、可愛らしい5つのBから始まる小さな生き物でした。


– カードボード
– 自然のマテリアル  *小枝、乾燥した葉、花びら、種、クルミの殻、豆など
– 糊、もしくはグルーガン


Step 1. Bを組み立てる


Step 2. 生き物を組み立てる

次にBから始まる生き物に取り掛かりました。Beetle、Bee、Bird… あとは観察したり、想像したり、自由に手を動かすだけです。


Bird。顔はグローブ アマランサス、嘴は葉っぱの先端。目は小さな種。翼はユーカリ、胴体の羽根はチューリップの花びら。特に集中してつくっていた鳥。彼女は小さな目と嘴を慎重に付けていた。いい仕事をしている!
そして、Butterfly。頭はグローブ アマランサス、羽はチューリップ、胴体はバニーテール、手足は小枝。ぷっくりとした胴体のバニーテールが、本物の蝶のようで気に入っています。

The Sound ‘B’ Creaturesが勢揃いしました。ウッドスライスを使ったくまもいます。耳はどんぐりのキャップです。

